Buffalo River

Buffalo River is a rural locality in north-east Victoria, situated on the western side of the Mount Buffalo plateau and 8 km south of Myrtleford.

The Buffalo River runs northwards from alpine areas between Mounts Despair and Selwyn and enters the Ovens River a few kilometres west of Myrtleford. It occupies an agriculturally rich valley about 2 km wide.

Farm selections were taken up along the Buffalo River in the early 1870s and a school was opened in 1875. Some farmers took irrigation water from a river tributary, Nug Nug Creek, which runs off the Buffalo plateau. The farm community maintained a population of around 200 people for most of 1900-60. In 1965 a dam was built on the Buffalo River for augmentation of water supply for Wangaratta and for farm irrigations in the Ovens Valley.

Buffalo River’s census populations have been:

area census date population
Buffalo River 1911 219
  1954 183
Buffalo River and environs 2006 568
  2011 487

Farming accounted for 16% of employment, including 11.9% for non-cereal crops at the 2006 census. At the 2011 census, all farming accounted for 9.0% of employment.

Further Reading

Sydney S. Bell, Pioneers of yesteryear: history of the Buffalo River Valley, the author, 1993
