Power Station boiler house, showing coal conveyor, Morwell, 1959
Power Station boiler house, showing coal conveyor, Morwell, 1959
Morwell is the largest city in the Latrobe Valley, 150 km east of Melbourne, with about twice the population of Moe, which is a little closer to Melbourne. Primarily a product of the open cut brown coal mines of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, successive governments invested heavily in Morwell, with a power station, briquette factory and over 2000 houses built by the Victorian Housing Commission. With the demolition of Yallourn in the 1970s, Morwell’s centrality continued to grow.
Power Station boiler house, showing coal conveyor, Morwell, 1959
Power Station turbine room, Morwell, 1959
Main Street, Morwell
Transport of overburden for disposal - Morwell open cut, 1959
Loading briquettes for despatch, Morwell, 1959
Coal conveyor system from the Morwell open cut, 1959
Overburden dredger, Morwell open cut, 1959
La Mode Industries plant, Morwell, c1952
Morwell township with newly developed coal-fields in the background, 1955
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