Timor school, 2008
Timor school, 2008
Timor and Bowenvale are about 8 km north-west of Maryborough and 140 km north-west of Melbourne.
Both are in the vicinity of the junction of the Bet Bet and Timor Creeks, Bowenvale 2 km south-west of the junction and Timor north-east of the junction.
Timor is the earlier of the two, beginning as Coxtown when gold was found there in 1856. (Cox was a butcher and hotel keeper). Coxtown was apparently renamed after Timor Creek.
Timor school, 2008
Grand Duke mine, Timor, 2008
Grand Duke mine, Timor, 2008
Bowenvale, 2008
War memorial, Bowenvale, 2008
Bowenvale cemetery, 2008
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