Railway Hotel, Yea, 1918-20
Railway Hotel, Yea, 1918-20
Yea is a town 77 km north-east of Melbourne, centrally located in the former Yea shire (1873-1994). It dominated the shire in terms of population, as the other villages or localities of which there were more than 12, at no time have had over 200 persons, except Molesworth and district (212 in 1921).
Railway Hotel, Yea, 1918-20
Yea River
Homestead and farmland in sheep country, Yea, 1960
Gardens and Band Stand, Yea
Yea shire map, 1924
Soldier's Memorial, Yea
Yea Railway Station
Bowling Green, Post Office and Library, Yea
Town Hall, Yea, 2011
Concrete Bridge, Yea
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