Taberner's Hotel, Wonthaggi
Taberner's Hotel, Wonthaggi
Wonthaggi is a rural township between Western Port Bay and Wilsons Promontory, 110 km south-east of Melbourne. According to Bunce's Language of the Aborigines of the Colony of Victoria (1859) Wonthaggi is an Aboriginal word meaning borne or get to bring. Before being named, the area was known as Powlett.
Taberner's Hotel, Wonthaggi
Breakfast time, Bourke Street Powlett Coalfields, Wonthaggi, 1910
Wonthaggi District Hospital
Panoramic View, Wonthaggi
Graham Street, Wonthaggi
Miner at work on the coal face, Wonthaggi, 1944
Technical School, Wonthaggi
The State Mine as it appeared in 1910, Wonthaggi, 1927
McBride Avenue, Wonthaggi
The temporary township where the mine now stands, Wonthaggi
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