The Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
The Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Publication Title:
The Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Electric shovels at the quarry, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
View at the rock fill quarry, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Dumping rock fill on the dam seat, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Locality plan of the dam, showing layout of construction roads and township, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
The Upper Yarra Project (in blue) and the existing water supply system of Melbourne (in black), Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Diversion tunnel during the construction of the dam, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
Houses erected for workers employed at the dam, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
On site kitchen facilities, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
The Upper Yarra Aqueduct, Upper Yarra Dam, 1954
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