Aerial view of a portion of the Metropolitan Farm, showing Township, Werribee, 1956
Aerial view of a portion of the Metropolitan Farm, showing Township, Werribee, 1956
Publication Title:
Aerial view of a portion of the Metropolitan Farm, showing Township, Werribee, 1956
Pipe Depot at Preston, 1956
O'Shannassy Aqueduct, Wesburn, 1956
Portion of Braeside Treatment Works, 1956
Queen Victoria Market on a busy day, Melbourne, 1957
Typical car parking in a city street, Melbourne, 1957
Homes in an unsewered area, Melbourne, 1957
Household sullage water from properties in unsewered areas, Melbourne, 1957
Traffic on Spencer Street Bridge, Melbourne, 1957
Peak hour traffic on Princes Bridge, Melbourne, 1957
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