Portion of Fishermans Bend Estate, 1942
Portion of Fishermans Bend Estate, 1942
Publication Title:
Portion of Fishermans Bend Estate, 1942
Slum pocket at South Melbourne, density 49 houses to the acre, 1942
Slum Houses built on allotments with frontage of ten feet, Fitzroy, 1942
Housing Commission Estate at Warrnambool, overlooking the southern ocean, 1942
Cox Bros store at Robinvale, 1960
Paynes new store at Morwell, 1960
Gary & Murray's new menswear store, Geelong, 1960
Interior of the new Moore's, showing escalator and mezzanine floor, Chapel Street, Prahran, 1960
Re-modelled interior of Dryen's, 365 Sydney Road, Brunswick, 1960
The modern Purvis Supermarket at Morwell, 1961
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