Mr Julius Reichelt's home, Lorquon, 1923
Mr Julius Reichelt's home, Lorquon, 1923
Mr Julius Reichelt's home, Lorquon, 1923
Children with prize calf, Yinnar South, 1923
Mr D J Murphy's home, Runnymede, 1925
Mr Joseph Walker testing skim milk, Yinnar South, 1925
Valley of the Mitchell at Lindenow, 1925
Scooping out a dam near Manangatang, Swan Hill Shire, 1926
Ian Jones and his champion calf, Dollar, South Gippsland, Woorayl shire, 1928
Pomborneit calf club, 1927-28
Prize calves, Walwa, 1929
Mr Stanton's squab farm, Reservoir, 1929
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