Goongerah, 2010
Goongerah, 2010
East Gippsland Shire was formed in 1994 by the amalgamation of the former City of Bairnsdale, the former Shires of Omeo, Orbost and Tambo, most of the former Shire of Bairnsdale and part of the former Shire of Rosedale. The new shire covers 20,800 sq km, extending from the far eastern tip of Victoria to Hollands Landing on the Gippsland Lakes. Inland, the western boundary of the shire includes the Mitchell River National Park, the old goldmining area of Cassilis and beyond the dividing range to headwaters of the Mitta Mitta River (Murray-Darling system) at Mount Bogong.
Goongerah, 2010
East Gippsland Shire, Delegate River, 2010
Honeymoon Bay, Point Hicks, 2010
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