Loddon River, Newstead, 2010
Loddon River, Newstead, 2010
Newstead is a rural township on the Pyrenees Highway, 15 km south-west of Castlemaine and 110 km north-west of Melbourne. It is also on the Loddon River, south of where the river enters the Cairn Curran Reservoir. The Newstead shire (1865-1995), of 409 sq km, was generally south and west of Castlemaine.
Loddon River, Newstead, 2010
Hotel Newstead, 2010
Post and Telegraph Office, Newstead, 2010
Uniting Church, Newstead, 2010
Givoni Mills, Newstead, 2010
Plaque Givoni Mills, Newstead, 2010
Dredging for alluvial gold, Newstead, 1950
Newstead Goods Shed, 2000
Electrically operated gold dredge near Newstead, 1938
Loddon River, Newstead, 2010
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