St John's Church, Soldiers Hill, 1965
St John's Church, Soldiers Hill, 1965
Soldiers Hill is a suburb immediately north of central Ballarat. Its boundaries are Howitt Street (north), Havelock Street (east) and the railway line (south and west). It was named after the military encampment, adjoining the goldfield commissioner, from where soldiers marched on 3 December 1854 to suppress the Eureka miners' rebellion. The actual location of the encampment was at the corner of Lydiard and Mair Streets (Ballarat central), south of the present suburb.
St John's Church, Soldiers Hill, 1965
Railways Institute, Soldiers Hill, 2012
Presbyterian Church, Soldiers Hill, 2012
Macathur Street School, Soldiers Hill, 2012
Millers Arms Hotel, Soldiers Hill, 2012
Anglican Church, Soldiers Hill, 2012
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