Herd sire at Victoria Fresian Stud, Glenormiston estate, 1963
Herd sire at Victoria Fresian Stud, Glenormiston estate, 1963
Glenormiston is a rural locality, chiefly known for its agricultural and horticultural college, about 10 km north of Terang in Western Victoria. It was named after the Glenormiston pastoral run.
In 1840 a Scottish pastoralist, Niel Black, acquired the Glenormiston pastoral run on behalf of a British company. He named it after Glenormiston, Peebleshire, Scotland, the birthplace of a member of the company. During the 1850s Black began the building of the Glenormiston homestead, later to become the site of the agricultural college.
Herd sire at Victoria Fresian Stud, Glenormiston estate, 1963
Glenormiston butter factory, 1934
Trufood, Glenormiston, 1934
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