Anglesea Hotel, 1950
Anglesea Hotel, 1950
Anglesea, a coastal township and holiday resort facing Bass Strait, is 95 km in a direct line south-west of Melbourne and 35 km from Geelong. It is at the beginning of the Great Ocean Road which follows the coastline westwards.
Anglesea is protected from westerly weather by Point Roadknight, and the beach forms an arc in a north-easterly direction. It is crossed by the Anglesea River, originally called Swampy Creek because of its greater inland width back from the beach sands. Swampy Creek provided good fishing.
Anglesea Hotel, 1950
Anglecrest Holiday Accommodation, Anglesea, 1947-48
Anglesea River, 1910
Anglesea River and Point Addis, 1910
Surf Carnival, Anglesea, 1960
Brown coal open-cut with powerhouse in the background, Anglesea, 1970
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