Loddon Bridge Hotel and post office, Bridgewater, 2008
Loddon Bridge Hotel and post office, Bridgewater, 2008
Bridgewater is rural township on the Calder Highway where it crosses the Loddon River, 35 km north-west of Bendigo.
The township began as a settlement for miners at Inglewood, 6 km away, because the water at Inglewood became unsuitable for drinking. Within two years of the settlement occurring a bridge (1862) was built across the Loddon River at Bridgewater.
Loddon Bridge Hotel and post office, Bridgewater, 2008
Railway station, Bridgewater, 2010
Bridgewater memorial hall and free library (1924), 2010
Former Uniting Church, Bridgewater, 2010
Former Uniting Church, Bridgewater, 2010
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