
Miepoll is a farming district north of Euroa, midway between Murchison and Violet Town. It is set in flat country and is 140 km north-east of central Melbourne. The origin of the name is obscure. It is also expressed as Maypole in Bailliere's Victorian gazetteer, 1865.

Miepoll is on Seven Creeks, and land selections began in 1879 when a pastoral run was forfeited. A store, hotel and blacksmith were opened in 1879, and a school in 1882. A butter factory was opened in 1891 and operated for about 20 years. The district's social focus and venue for some church services was the public hall (1902).

Miepoll has a recreation reserve, fire station and the public hall. The school closed in 1954. The census populations have been:

area census date population
Miepoll 1911 218
  1961 58
Miepoll and environs 2006 337
  2011 304

At the 2011 census, farming accounted for 23% of employment.

Further Reading

The early history of Miepoll and district, Miepoll, 1975
