
Tamleugh, a rural district in north-east Victoria, is generally 15 km north-west of Violet Town. It is the name of a parish, and it is thought that it may have been named after Tamlaght parish, Ireland.

Tamleugh is mostly a plain with slight undulations, crossed south-easterly by the Honeysuckle Creek. There are remnant swamps in a few places. Tamleugh was taken up for farm selections during the mid-1870s. A school was opened in 1875 and a hotel was opened in 1878. As settlement later intensified three more district schools were opened, the last being the short lived Tamleugh Central (1918-27). Several farms took up dairying, and a creamery and a butter factory were opened in 1891. The land, however, was better suited to open range grazing and the trend to a lower farm population during 1930-60 is evidence of the changed farming practices.

The last of the schools, Tamleugh North closed in 1972.

Tamleugh’s census populations have been:

census date population
1911 235
1933 160
1961 62

Further Reading

Helen Wall, Caniambo, Gowangardie, Tamleugh, Tamleugh History Committee, 1985
