Mail by rail, trolley service, Wangaratta, 1954
Mail by rail, trolley service, Wangaratta, 1954
Publication Title:
Wangaratta Shire (1867-1994) was proclaimed on 17 September 1867, its area being based on a road district which had existed for four years. It was named the North Ovens shire, which was appropriate because the shire was almost completely north of the Wangaratta borough and it was bisected by the Ovens River. The change of name from North Ovens to Wangaratta occurred on 22 November 1916.
Mail by rail, trolley service, Wangaratta, 1954
The Ovens River, taken from the Major Mitchell Bridge, 1960
Ovens River, Wangaratta
Snow-covered ranges within easy travelling distance of Wangaratta
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