Tobacco curing barns at Eurobin, 1932
Tobacco curing barns at Eurobin, 1932
Eurobin is a rural locality in the Ovens Valley, north-east Victoria, about midway between Myrtleford and Bright.
The locality was known as Black Springs until 1870, and the change of name to Eurobin probably derived from the Eurobin Creek and waterfall which runs off the eastern face of the Mount Buffalo plateau, 10 km to the south. It is thought that the name was derived from an Aboriginal word describing a lagoon or the watercourse at the foot of the plateau.
Tobacco curing barns at Eurobin, 1932
Hop Gardens, Eurobin
Eurobin Valley from Mount Buffalo, 1918
Eurobin Creek in Buffalo Gorge, 1918
Lombardy Poplars, Eurobin, c1960
Hop Oasthouses and Tobacco Kilns, Panlook's, Eurobin, c1960
Hop Kilns, Eurobin, 1951
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