Part of the fishing fleet, Port Welshpool, 1955
Part of the fishing fleet, Port Welshpool, 1955
Publication Title:
Port Welshpool, a rural village, is 165 km south-east of Melbourne and north of the toe of Wilsons Promontory. Welshpool is 7 km north of Port Welshpool, on the South Gippsland Highway.
Port Welshpool was originally just Welshpool. It is surmised that it was named after Welshpool, Wales (named in 1835) or after Patricias Welsh, an associate of John Batman, who landed supplies at Corner Inlet.
Part of the fishing fleet, Port Welshpool, 1955
Port Welshpool, 2003
Main Street, Welshpool, 2003
Main Street, Welshpool, 2003
Port Welshpool
Historical Museum, Port Welshpool
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