President of the Shire of Traralgon escorts the Queen from the Railway Station, 1954
President of the Shire of Traralgon escorts the Queen from the Railway Station, 1954
Publication Title:
President of the Shire of Traralgon escorts the Queen from the Railway Station, 1954
View of Broadford Mill, 1954
The Geelong Mill Paper Machine, 1947
An aerial view of Broadford Mill, 1950
A big log from Noojee, 1950
Hunting day at Bacchus Marsh, 1950
Maryvale Paper Mill, 1951
Aerial view of the housing area, Traralgon, 1951
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh passing the gates of the Fairfield Mill, 1954
Traralgon's Railway Bridge Royal Tour Decorations, 1954
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