Gravestone, Ebenezer Mission, Antwerp, 2010
Gravestone, Ebenezer Mission, Antwerp, 2010
Antwerp is a rural locality in the Wimmera region, north-west Victoria, 17 km north of Dimboola and 50 km north-west of Horsham. It was named after the Antwerp pastoral run which was occupied by Horatio Ellerman in 1846. It is thought that Ellerman was born in Antwerp, Belgium.
Apart from pastoral occupation, the first white settlement was Moravian missionaries who established the Ebenezer Aboriginal mission station, about four kilometres south-west of present-day Antwerp, in 1859. Both are on the Wimmera River. The Antwerp homestead was immediately north of present-day Antwerp.
Gravestone, Ebenezer Mission, Antwerp, 2010
Thatched building, Antwerp, 1980
Thatched building, Antwerp, 1980
Plaque marking site of Antwerp State School, 2010
Antwerp Methodist Church, 2010
Antwerp, 2010
Ebenezer Mission, Antwerp, 2010
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