Weeping willows, Kiewa River, Dederang, 1954
Weeping willows, Kiewa River, Dederang, 1954
Publication Title:
Dederang is a small rural town in north-east Victoria, situated on the Kiewa Valley Highway 40 km south-east of Wodonga. It was named after the Dederang pastoral run (1838), and the origin of the name is thought to be an Aboriginal word describing hailstones.
Weeping willows, Kiewa River, Dederang, 1954
Circuit breakers, Dederang switch yard, 1971
St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Dederang, 2010
General Store, Dederang, 2010
Memorial Hall, Dederang, 2010
Hotel Dederang, 2010
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