Agricultural education, Dookie and Longerenong, 1918
Agricultural education, Dookie and Longerenong, 1918
Dookie is a rural township and district 27 km north-east of Shepparton in northern Victoria. The area east of Shepparton is mostly flat, irrigated farm land, but Dookie is set in undulating country with Mount Major to the south of Dookie township. The Dookie Horticultural College is in the foothills of Mount Major.
Agricultural education, Dookie and Longerenong, 1918
Dookie Agricultural College, 1918
A veterinary class at Dookie College, 1918
Dookie Agricultural College
Returned soldiers cutting green barley, Dookie Agricultural College, 1918
Staff and students at Dookie Agricultural College, 1947
On the stock route near Dookie, 1943
Harvesting wheat, Dookie district, 1949
Catholic Church, Dookie, 2012
CWA Gardens, Dookie, 2012
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